Our review of The Band's Visit
An exciting new musical has arrived!

Beautiful, moving, unexpected
Just as song might sweep you away into an unexpected mood so too does Tewfiq's band as their music infiltrates into the lives of these people - and the audience!
Our Broadway reviewer Nicola Quinn saw The Band's Visit in New York City - here's what she thought!
"One of my favorite things to do is step into a cinema or theatre having no idea about the narrative that is about to unfold or the "word on the street". Such was the case with the new musical, The Band's Visit. As I walked into the beautiful Ethel Barrymore Theatre I surmised that a band would be visiting someplace... Of course, I knew that the renowned Tony Shalhoub was a leading man in this production (Tewfiq) and soon discovered he was to play the band leader of the Egyptian Alexandria Ceremonial Police Orchestra.
Tewfiq and his band from Egypt find themselves lost in Bet Hatikva, dressed in their sky-blue uniforms which directly contrasts this desert land. We anticipate a frenzied welcome from the locals who might joyfully invite this surprise into their dull days and yet, no-one seems particular fussed. Director David Cromer has reflected this slow-paced and somewhat mischievous tone into his staging making The Band's Visit smooth, allowing time for each transition as we build to his crescendo.
Each character is unique and struggles to navigate their cultural differences, there is a charming simplicity to their lives as they discover each other in this setting through broken English. Nothing about this production feels forced or exaggerated which is rare in narrative today, especially in the musical medium where it is often expected. Just as song might sweep you away into an unexpected mood so too does Tewfiq's band as their music infiltrates into the lives of these people and the audience.
I highly recommend seeing this production, the imagery and music will seep deep into your soul!"